Balancing work and being a mother is no easy task. You are constantly under pressure to be in your best form as a mom and as a career woman. As if it wasn’t hard enough, the pandemic came and kicked it up a notch and the support that was once their anchor such as school and childcare is now upended.
Women are often paid less and are more vulnerable to retrenchment. Because of the pandemic, women are either being let go or are forced to give up their jobs to take care of the household. According to data from the International Labour Organization, because of these dynamics, 29.4 million women ages 25 and above, from 55 high- and middle-income countries, lost their jobs between the 4th quarter of 2019 and the 2nd quarter of 2020.
In an effort to show support and ensure the safety and job security of its associates, Capital One Philippines provided flexibility and expanded benefits.
“Here in Capital One Philippines, we strive to provide an environment where all associates have the support system they need to address the challenges they are currently facing due to the pandemic,” said Capital One Philippines General Manager, Osman “Oz” Parvaiz, “The last thing we want to happen is to make them feel that they have to prioritize work over self-care, or that they do not have enough resources to care for their loved ones.”
Capital One Philippines working mothers shared their personal experiences and advice on work-life balance.
Lianne Muhlfeld, a Capital One Philippines’ people manager is a mother to a 5-year-old and a 7-year-old. Since her children are doing school at home, Lianne wakes up a little earlier to take care of their needs and assist them with their classes before going to work.
“Thankfully, I have some flexibility in managing my schedule at work to help me balance my work and my family’s needs,” Lianne shared. “Having a company that considers the needs of each associate has provided peace of mind and lessened the anxiety that we each are facing during this pandemic,” she added.
Gracie Magallanes-Hawak, one of Capital One Philippines’ coordinators is a mother of three, ranging from one to eight years old, including a 4-year-old who was diagnosed with a developmental condition. In having her youngest at the peak of the pandemic last year, Gracie was very focused on the safety of her family.
“When I went back to the office and saw the safety and health measures we had in place, I felt relieved that my workplace was caring for my own and my family’s safety. I also appreciate the increase in our HMO benefits, enabling me to add more dependents for free and allocate more budget for the needs of my children,” shared Gracie.
These benefits have been furthered through the support of employee resource groups like EmpowHer, a community of women and allies, that provides support and advice while working together to continue the advancement of women inside and outside of the company.
One of Capital One Philippines’ unit managers can attest to this. Michelle ‘Mitch’ Osorio has been with the company since it opened its doors in the country and she shared, “Being with a company that promotes diversity and inclusion, there are a lot of opportunities available for mothers like me. Through the EmpowHER BRG, I was able to find sisters with whom I can communicate openly and share common interests. By being part of this BRG, I can give back to the company by helping elevate other women.”
Capital One Philippines believes its commitment to diversity, inclusion, and belonging across all fronts is important now more than ever. Rob Nunnally, Capital One Philippines Assistant General Manager said, “We need to ensure that all associates, including mothers, continue to have a safe workplace where they can thrive and a supportive community where they belong.”
To learn more about how Capital One is living its values, visit https://capitalonecareers.com.ph/benefits.php.